Thursday, August 23, 2012

Life, the Universe, and Everything

Tonight or tomorrow, I'll start sewing together Nicole's dress.  It's been cut out since last weekend, but I've yet to sew a stitch.  In my defense, I'm sick--I got a scrape on the back of my worst leg and the whole leg is infected.  I've been spending my time when not taking care of the girls sleeping and choking down a couple monster antibiotics a day.  Just part of the joys of living with my condition.

Tomorrow, I'll be choosing the pattern for my next project.  Matching outfits again--  Bubble skirts out of the pink, glittery fabric, and pink knit tops with glitter wand patches on them front and center.  Hopefully, I'll have enough pink knit left for some leggings for Nikki.

I have some family news, but I don't have permission to share it yet.  And Joanna found a picture of a costume that she'd like me to make my own version of it!  I'd post the picture, but it's not of my child, so I won't.  It's an owl costume and luckily, there's a Simplicity pattern out this year that will make a good base.  I told her that I might enlist her help to cut out all the feathers! 

Grace is fairly adamant about wanting to be Little Red Riding Hood.  We'll see--Joanna got several costumes last year 90% off at Target, and she still has the Tangled dress.  Granted Tangled might not fit by Halloween anymore, but we're going to try and talk her into what we've already got.  If not, I have most of the materials, anyway!

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