Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oh, the drama!

I'm much less organized now that we have Boo in the house than I used to be.  Certain things (like filing away patterns and cleaning) have slipped because rocking the baby is more important to me than being organized.  I mean, she'll only be this age once, and soon she'll be crawling, and then walking, and soon cuddles will be a lot more rare than they are now.

It's getting chilly here.  Which means that, naturally, it's time to make coats for our girls, right?  I pulled out the wool and the lining fabric and started looking for the patterns.  And THEY'RE MISSING!  ARRGGGGGHHH!  Oh, the drama!  The tragedy!  And to make matters worse, THEY'RE VINTAGE!  Well, Bit's is.  Boo's is 2003 and also out of print, so it might as well be.  Which means that tracking down the patterns in right sizes again is hard.  Okay, Bit's is harder because it's late 50s-early 60s.  Bit's is Simplicity 4834, and Boo's is Butterick 4009.

*sigh*  I've checked every place where I can see patterns with no joy.  I moved my desk in case something had fallen behind it.  Nope.  I cleaned out the sewing corner.  Un uh.  Checked all three pattern boxes, the other desk, through piles of papers and piles of fabric (yes, my house is a mess) and under the other desk, because I spotted a pattern there.  Nope.

I found a size three that didn't sell, and emailed the seller to see if she'd sell it to me--just in case.  And I located the more modern Butterick pattern and bought it--also just in case.  I'm moving the TV table next and then the couch.  We'll see if the originals can be located.  I hope.  I think I need to clean the house.....

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